APP/Controller/ProjectsController.php (line 90)
object(App\Model\Entity\Project) id:0 { 'id' => (int) 2 'name' => 'BoxedIn!' 'slug' => 'BoxedIn' 'description' => 'BoxedIn! is a multiplayer box delivery game with an emphasis on local multiplayer.<br><br> Players compete against each other to make the most deliveries in the round, aiming to deliver packagaes quickly and securely.<br><br> Originally developed as as a solo entry for LudumDare42 in Unity, the game is being redeveloped using Unreal Engine because of its better off the shelf input manager and networking options.' 'pictureURL' => 'boxedIn2.png' 'blurb' => 'A multiplayer box delivery game.' 'category' => 'Commercial' '[new]' => false '[accessible]' => [ '*' => true, 'id' => false, 'slug' => false, 'tag_string' => true, ] '[dirty]' => [ ] '[original]' => [ ] '[virtual]' => [ ] '[hasErrors]' => false '[errors]' => [ ] '[invalid]' => [ ] '[repository]' => 'Projects' }
Warning (512): Unable to emit headers. Headers sent in file=/home/d6ehu7qrl35d/public_html/vendor/cakephp/cakephp/src/Error/Debugger.php line=1031 [CORE/src/Http/ResponseEmitter.php, line 71]
Warning (2): Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/d6ehu7qrl35d/public_html/vendor/cakephp/cakephp/src/Error/Debugger.php:1031) [CORE/src/Http/ResponseEmitter.php, line 168]
Warning (2): Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/d6ehu7qrl35d/public_html/vendor/cakephp/cakephp/src/Error/Debugger.php:1031) [CORE/src/Http/ResponseEmitter.php, line 197]
Warning (2): Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/d6ehu7qrl35d/public_html/vendor/cakephp/cakephp/src/Error/Debugger.php:1031) [CORE/src/Http/ResponseEmitter.php, line 236]
JEPDraper | Projects
Warning (2): Undefined array key 0 [ROOT/templates/layout/default.php, line 69]


BoxedIn! is a multiplayer box delivery game with an emphasis on local multiplayer.

Players compete against each other to make the most deliveries in the round, aiming to deliver packagaes quickly and securely.

Originally developed as as a solo entry for LudumDare42 in Unity, the game is being redeveloped using Unreal Engine because of its better off the shelf input manager and networking options.

